Maryland Democratic Party: Jobs and the Economy
Democratic Club of Wicomico County:
- Examine Revenue Cap and explore possible changes to increase investment in services and infrastructure.
- Invest in public education, with universal pre-K through tuition assistance for community college students. Pursue a state top 10 per pupil spending rank.
- Pursue full employment at livable wages.
- Invest in a metro-core wastewater/sewer system. Expand existing municipal systems to service the thousands of homes with Salisbury zip codes with well and septic systems that are rapidly becoming outdated.
- Support county-wide broadband Internet access.
- Support poultry and agri-business that is environmentally conscientious.
- Support implementation of Maryland offshore wind project.
- Support heritage tourism and invest in historic preservation efforts.
- Increase and enhance recreational opportunities, including more walking and biking paths. Celebrate arts and artists through government sponsored marketing and events.
- To attract employers and entrepreneurs, the county must offer high quality public education, pristine natural resources, abundant recreational opportunities and enviable indoor and outdoor venues and a community-wide embrace of newcomers. Tourism benefits from an investment in those environmental and recreational efforts.
- Expect civility among elected officials.
Maryland Democratic Party: Education
Democratic Club of Wicomico County:
- Fully support Wicomico County Board of Education Imagine 2022 strategic priorities.
- Provide meaningful financial grants to Wicomico residents pursuing associate degrees or enrolled in continuing education and workforce development courses as a path to skilled jobs. Students are required to be in good academic standing. Our long-term goal is free tuition for Wicomico county residents.
- Embrace and make the necessary financial commitment to a regionally recognized high quality public pre K-12 education system, complimented by outstanding two- and four-year colleges--vital to attracting businesses and entrepreneurs. Numerous surveys find businesses rate the quality of a community’s public education system as their top priority when considering to locate there. The depth and quality of a talented, highly skilled labor pool also rank high.
- Inform and educate our community about John Winder, the Civil War general who is memorialized on a sign on the county courthouse lawn, with regard to its impact on the community at large.
Democratic Club of Wicomico County
- Claim a right to a clean and healthy Wicomico River. Our most prominent natural resource has and continues to have a profound economic, environmental and recreational impact on all of us and its health must be prioritized.
- Improve capacity for local governments to plan for and respond to sea level rise.
- Pursue both conservation and restoration opportunities to protect natural resources, coastal habitat, private property and commerce.
Public Health and Safety
Maryland Democratic Party: Healthcare
Democratic Club of Wicomico County:
- Study high crime neighborhoods and explore strategies to reduce crime and prevent discriminatory law enforcement tactics.
- Pursue bail reform.
- Make local investment in early childhood education now to produce a reduction in crime later, as numerous national studies prove.
- Increase access to healthcare services for all residents.
- Vigorously support efforts to positively impact opioid crisis, especially Community Outreach Addictions Team (COAT): team of law enforcement, addicts, nurses and state’s attorney office have had success—only county in state where overdoses and overdose deaths have gone down in last year.
Underserved Communities
Maryland Democratic Party: Civil Rights
Democratic Club of Wicomico County:
- Increase access to healthcare services. Develop integrated plan among all city and county services to deal with mental health issues.
- Prioritize eliminating poverty by developing investing in early childhood education (universal Pre-K) and developing a pathway to economic independence. A comprehensive county/city/business plan is necessary to address poverty and homelessness.
- Develop an affordable housing plan.
- Work with government, non-profits, charities, schools and businesses to create a youth development plan.